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Is JPS responsible for tap water problems?

DID is not responsible for your domestic or industrial water supply because DID is only responsible for irrigation water supply for farmers/farmers. Please contact the relevant authorities such as the State Water Works Department, Public Works Department or the appropriate water company / water board responsible for the water supply in your area.

Who should I complain to about local drainage problems or flash floods?

JPS and also local authorities are responsible for drainage. In general, the local authorities are responsible for the construction and maintenance of the local drainage system which is mainly the main drainage and secondary drainage. DPS is responsible for rivers that may flow within and outside local authority areas. Flooding caused by blocked ditches and sewers falls under the responsibility of local authorities. Floods caused by ditches and rivers overflowing due to insufficient capacity are usually the responsibility of the DPS. If in doubt please contact the PRO of the nearest JPS office. JPS has a PRO office in each state.

Where can I find data on rainfall and river flow?

This information is published annually by the Hydrology Division of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage located at the Headquarters Branch in Jalan Ampang (Tel: 03-4256 2657). The Hydrology Division is currently developing a database system known as the Hydrographic Information System (HIS - Hydrologic Information System) which is capable of providing information online. JPS also collects some information about water quality, especially about sediment load. For more details,

Can anyone apply to use land designated as "River Reserve"?

In general, JPS does not encourage applications to use our river reserve because we need to enter it at any time for emergency repair work and also for river maintenance. However, we may consider certain applications on a case-by-case basis.

How can I request a pedestrian bridge?

JPS often receives requests to build pedestrian bridges or light traffic bridges for the convenience of local residents. Please write a letter to the PRO JPS of the relevant state office. When writing to the PRO please include your phone number as well.

To whom do I complain about river pollution problems?

We appreciate information about the causes and also the causes of river pollution. JPS is not an enforcement authority for pollution control, we will usually refer enforcement matters to the Department of Environment.

Who do I complain to about the garbage clogging the ditch?

Please refer this matter to the relevant local authorities who are responsible for the maintenance of these ditches.

To whom do I report about squatters occupying river reserves?

If you see a squatter occupying the river reserve, causing pollution and pollution of the river, you can contact JPS immediately. JPS will contact the relevant authorities to relocate the squatters as soon as possible.

Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department, Level 6, Wisma Negeri, 20626 Kuala Terengganu

No. Tel  : 09 - 6220050 | 09-6233008
Email :

Disclaimer:- Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department will not be responsible for any damage caused by the use of any information on this website.


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