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What type of data is provided?

Rainfall, evaporation, water level, river discharge, floating sediment discharge and water quality are available on demand. The following is a standard report that can be obtained by users: Calendar Schedule for Observation Recording: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly. Calendar Table For Manual Observation eg: Manual rainfall, water level and evaporation; Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly. List of Statistics; summary, distribution and delivery

Do I have to pay for the hydrological data and how do I pay?

Hydrological data for government projects and academic research is provided free of charge. Hydrological data for private projects such as house construction projects, insurance claims, addition projects and other similar projects are charged according to the Ordinance Fee. Payment for data can be made in the form of a check payable to the Director General, JPS Malaysia or cash in RM.

How long do I have to wait to get the required data?

Based on the amount of data required, data can be provided to users within a period of one day to one week.

What is the most recent period for data distributed to users?

Hydrological data is collected at hydrological stations by state JPS employees according to the period that depends on the type of station. Manual data such as rainfall, evaporation and river levels are observed and collected by observers. For automated stations, charts or logs are used to record observations and field workers collect the tools on a weekly or monthly basis. At the state JPS level, charts and logs are checked before being sent to the Hydrology And Water Resources section at the JPS headquarters. The time period between field data collection and delivery is from 2 weeks to 1 month. In the Hydrology section, at the JPS headquarters, manuals, charts and data logs are checked, processed, stored and returned to be distributed to users. For the floating sediment and discharge data, the discharge rate curve needs to be updated annually because the water level and suspended sediment data can be combined into a time series hydrological rate curve in the flow and discharge data of the floating sediment. Taking into account all the processes involved, as a guide users can expect delays in processing data based on the table below:

 Types of Data

Latest Data Based on Application Date

Manual rainfall, evaporation and river level

 1 ~3 month

River discharge and floating sediment

 6 month ~ 1 year

River water quality

 3 month

But if there is a special request for a specific project to provide data quickly, the delay can be reduced.

Do I have to come in person to get the data?

According to the latest management, users are encouraged to come individually to meet the Officer in Charge because they can give advice on the types of data and information that can be obtained by users. It can also help in filling out the application form as well as discussing the output format and determining the data storage media that meets the user's needs. However, we also accept requests made by phone, email, fax or letter.

Who do I need to contact to get data?

All letters regarding requests for hydrological data should be addressed to:

Bahagian Hidrologi Dan Sumber Air
Jabatan Pengairan Dan Saliran Malaysia.
Km 7, Jalan Ampang
68000 Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
 (Tel: 03-42552672 | E-mail:

Where can I get flood data for 'platform' level design?

Based on the flood report sent by the state DPS, an inventory to record flood water levels at designated monitoring stations is maintained by the Hydrology Application Unit from the Hydrology and Water Resources Division. Furthermore, the National Network of River Flow Stations records maximum flood water levels. Because it rarely happens, one needs to perform a hydrological and hydraulic analysis in determining the flood water level at the project site.

Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department, Level 6, Wisma Negeri, 20626 Kuala Terengganu

No. Tel  : 09 - 6220050 | 09-6233008
Email :

Disclaimer:- Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department will not be responsible for any damage caused by the use of any information on this website.


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