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The Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department was established in 1957 (previously the Department of Drainage and Drainage). Administered by Terengganu/Kelantan Sewer and Water Engineers.

From a small organization with a staff of less than 100 people, now the Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department has more than 500 officers and staff. The State DPS office is located on the 6th floor, Wisma Negeri, Kuala Terengganu with the assistance of the District DPS and the KETARA Project DPS, Besut.

At the State JPS Headquarters there are 6 divisions that assist the top management, namely the Irrigation and Drainage Division, River and Coastal Engineering, Hydrology and Technical Services as well as Administration and Finance. Machinery Management is provided through the Mechanical Services Division located at Jalan Bukit Kecil, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu Darul Iman.

Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department, Level 6, Wisma Negeri, 20626 Kuala Terengganu

No. Tel  : 09 - 6220050 | 09-6233008
Email :

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