Soalan Lazim
Hubungi Kami
Peta Laman



We will provide professional and quality services in the planning, design and implementation of flood management programs, river basins, coastal zones, environmentally friendly drainage and water resources and hydrology. Our services will be based on best engineering practices with environmental, economic and social sustainability in mind.

In performing the following duties and functions, we pledge to:

  * Respond to any public complaints through the JPS Careline 1-300-80-1010 regarding flood, river, beach and city drainage problems within two (2) working days.

  * Ensure that bill and invoice payments are made no later than fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of complete documents (unless otherwise stated in the contract agreement).

  * Provide hydrological data and information within fourteen (14) working days.

  * Provide advice/technical comments/feedback within a period not exceeding four (4) weeks.

Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department, Level 6, Wisma Negeri, 20626 Kuala Terengganu

No. Tel  : 09 - 6220050 | 09-6233008
Email :

Disclaimer:- Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department will not be responsible for any damage caused by the use of any information on this website.


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