Hydrology & Water Resources Unit
1. Development, O&M For Hydrological Networks
To develop, manufacture and test hydrological equipment or systems to suit local conditions. Provide support services in the field of hydrological equipment. Using equipment in the main irrigation and drainage scheme. Provide regular training on maintenance of hydrological equipment and telemetric equipment.
2. Collecting, Processing, Archiving & Disseminating Hydrological Data & Information
Coordinating the hydrological activities carried out in the states responsible for the operation and maintenance of stations and field data collection. Collect, process, store and retrieve hydrological data for planning, development and management of water resources. Publish hydrological data periodically for users.
3. Flood Forecast & Warning
Water resource assessment and drought monitoring. To develop flood forecasting and warning systems for major river basins. Monitor and assess drought in major river basins. Provide advisory services on hydrological use. Review, develop, update and disseminate hydrological procedures to end users.