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World Water Celebration (HAS) 2024

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11 May 2024 - The World Water Celebration Program (HAS) 2024 at the Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department level with the theme "Water For Peace" in Sungai Derhaka, Kuala Terengganu which was officiated by the Director of the Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department, YBrs. Ir. Hanizan bin Deraman. The celebration of World Water Day 2024 was celebrated with the community of Kampung Sungai Derhaka, Kuala Terengganu in collaboration with Malaysia Rail Link (MRL) Sdn.Bhd and China Communication Construction Company (CCCC) Sdn. Bhd. Section 3, Kuala Terengganu District Office, Terengganu State Department of Environment & Sungai Derhaka Community, Kuala Terengganu in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program for the Conservation of Sungai Derhaka, Kuala Terengganu in conjunction with the World Earth Day Celebration. Also present in this program was the Chief Executive Officer, Malaysia Rail Link Sdn. bhd, Yang Berbhagia Dato' Sri Darwis bin Abdul Razak, Deputy Project Director China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) Sdn. Bhd., Chen XuTao, District Officer of the Kuala Terengganu District & Land Office, who is in charge of Mr. Azran Amin bin Mazlan, Deputy Director (Development) of Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department, YBrs. Mr. Mohd Kamaruzaini bin Ismail, Deputy Director of the State Environment Department, Terengganu YBrs. Encik Zakaria bin Ahmad @ Mohd, Chief Assistant Director of Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department, YBrs. Mrs. Nadiah binti Abd. Kadir, District Engineer of Kuala Terengganu District Irrigation and Drainage Department, YBrs. Mr. Azril Fitri bin Zaabah, Penghulu Bukim Besar, YBrs. Mr. Shaharuddin bin Ismail and Chairman of the Village Development and Wellbeing Committee (JPKK) of Kampung Sungai Derhaka, YBrs. Sharifuddin bin Abd Wahab. Among the activities carried out are planting nipah saplings on the banks of Sungai Derhaka, throwing mudballs/mudballs into Sungai Derhaka, a kiosk to buy used cooking oil to be recycled into biodiesel by Sally Global Enterprise & an exhibition booth related to Best Management Practices ( BMPs) to preserve the Environment and Care of Water Resources. The celebration of World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 every year and is an annual event organized by the United Nations (UN) since 1993. It aims to increase awareness and renew the determination of all levels of people in the world to deal with water-related issues. through strategic plans and the implementation of actions by each country around the world. The celebration of World Water Day is aimed at meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, launched in 2015 by the United Nations (UN), which is to ensure that every individual has access to clean water by 2030, making water as the main issue in the effort to eradicate extreme poverty.

Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department, Level 6, Wisma Negeri, 20626 Kuala Terengganu

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