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4 July 2024 - Site visit of the Coastal Erosion Control Project at Kuala Nerus Beach, Terengganu by the Secretary of the Development Division, Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA), YBrs. Mr. Amisam Bin Ismail was held at the Coastal Erosion Control Project at Kuala Nerus Beach, Terengganu. This visit aims to monitor work progress and identify important issues in the implementation of work on site. The main scope of the project is the construction of a breakwater of 16 Nos and restoring the coastline along 2 kilometers. Also YBrs. Ir. Ts. Osman Bin Abdullah, Director of the Corporate Division of the Malaysian Irrigation and Drainage Department - JPS, YBrs. Mr. Mohd Kamaruzaini Bin Ismail, Deputy Director of Development JPS Terengganu, YBrs. Ir. Arman Bin Mokhtar, Deputy Director of the Coastal Zone Management Division, Mr. Mohd Tarmizi Bin Mohamad Yusof, Senior Assistant Director of Terengganu UPPPT Federal Project Implementation Unit and DPS officers and GPQ Sdn Bhd officers. It is hoped that this visit can provide a clear picture of the erosion problem that is occurring and the steps being taken to deal with the problem of coastal erosion to ensure environmental sustainability. Hopefully this visit will be beneficial and increase everyone's understanding of the importance of beach preservation and conservation efforts.

Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department, Level 6, Wisma Negeri, 20626 Kuala Terengganu

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