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May 29, 2024 - The Workshop "Stakeholder Engagement No. 2" for the Preparation of an Integrated River Basin Management Plan (IRBM) for the Terengganu River, Terengganu. The allowance speech was delivered by the Deputy Director (Operations) of the River Basin Management Division of the Malaysian Irrigation and Drainage Department YBrs. Ir. Mrs. Zaliffah binti Ayop. Also present was the Senior Assistant Director, River Basin Management Division, Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia, YBrs. Ir. Dr. Hafizul Aimme bin Che Hamid. Terengganu State Irrigation and Drainage Department was attended by the Chief Assistant Director, YBrs. Mrs. Nadiah binti Abd Kadir and Assistant Engineer, YBrs. Mr. Wan Hussain bin Abdullah. The presentation from the Consulting Engineer is from G&P Professionals Sdn. Bhd. This workshop with stakeholders until 13 May 2023 aims to present the results of the study and the draft IRBM Plan for the Terengganu River Basin. The IRBM plan includes strategies and action plans in dealing with the issues faced in the basin. This workshop was also held to get feedback from each stakeholder for the improvement and detailing of the plans that have been presented.

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